Chief Product Officer Job Description - CPO

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Chief Product Officer Job DescriptionThe Chief Product Officer is responsible for the design, development, and operations of the digital product across the entire enterprise and its operations. The Chief Product Officer helps a company drive growth in its product lines by managing the product life cycle and overseeing the rapidly changing applications environment. The Chief Product Officer is responsible for executing and evolving the enterprise’s product strategy based on performance & emerging company/consumer needs. This includes but is not limited to: channel roles, content strategy, and social media drivers.

New Product

The Chief Product Officer is not only a product line expert but also a seasoned technology expert. The individual is responsible for the adoption of new technologies across the entire business. As with most top-level technology and product management titles, the responsibilities are set by the organization's CIO.

Product development, implementation, and management are the focal point for this position within the enterprise. The Chief Product Officer ensures the continued success of these areas while simultaneously minimizing costs and maximizing product performance.

The major challenge for this individual is defining the social media presence of the enterprise’s products while balancing digital assets and computing services with financial and marketing needs. This is to be accomplished with the use of technology that supports both self-generated product awareness and growth. Seamless integration of social media and marketing assets from the customer, through product and service design, financial statements, and management reporting is a primary concern.

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