Top 10 challenges CIO have in managing IT Pros

Challenge for CIO is how to provide feedback that matters to IT Pros

Top 10 challenges CIO have in managing IT Pros - The key to managing IT Pros is to have a clear definition of what is expected and then to provide effective feedback. A CIO who provides effective feedback:

  1. Has a clear definition of what is expected
  2. Use specific words not general one and do not use  words that are used a lot and have different meaning to different people
  3. Is descriptive not judgmental when communicating
  4. Is clear and meets both the giver's and receiver's needs
  5. Directed at behavior and performance over which there is control
  6. Welcomed by the receiver not imposed by the CIO
  7. Timed close to the item that feedback is provided for
  8. Accurate and truthful in the eyes of both
  9. Rephrased and rechecked until both have the same understanding
  10. Open process so that the receiver feels they can contribute to and do something about the area that the feedback is provided for

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Feedback is not effective and performance is poor when:

  • It is not given
  • Poorly timed
  • Given without respect for the receivers opinion or judgment
  • Unclear or inaccurate
  • Given to someone who is uncommitted or does not understand what expectations are
  • Given but the results of the behavior or performance are not communicated
  • Does not take into account the interests of the receiver
  • Communicated in a negative manner
  • Presented without solutions
  • Presented with solutions but the receiver does not accept the solution

Management of IT Pros is based on having a definition of clear roles, responsibilities, and performance criteria. Both the CIO and IT Pro have to agree on. Good job descriptions are the first step in this process.

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